More than ever global sustainability is on the forefront of our minds. We acknowledge that we have a responsibility to care for our environment and those that are in need. We have partnered with B1G1 (Buy 1, Give 1 - Business For Good) and guarantee that every single booking with Avideas has an impact on our immediate generation and the generations to come by way of supporting global impact strategies.

HOW DOES IT WORK? Simple… You book, we give. You book again, we give again.

We would love for you to partner with us in our passion for HIRE WITH PURPOSE. Click below to read more about each of the projects we have selected as a team, we would love to discuss with you about your event and your global impact strategies.



Days of access to solar lighting to underprivileged people



Days of access of clothing for rescued girls



Days of education of computer education for Indigenous Children



All of our furniture is for hire. It is re-used and re-purposed daily which in itself is big impact within a furniture and decor/styling industry that is predominately short-term purchases. Our artificial floral hire range assists in the base-building of floral installations to lessen the environmental impact of fresh florals in bulk. We do also have a few other in-house sustainability efforts that are always evolving as it arises. If you would like to discuss our efforts in further detail, please reach out!